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Securing your transactions

Improve your online security with Trusteer Rapport

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Protect yourself on the internet

Trusteer Rapport provides you with added security when you login to our website to access your online accounts. We firmly believe that you should download and install this free software.

What is Rapport?

Rapport is free-to-download software that provides extra protection when you access our website. It's already been downloaded nearly 26 million times worldwide!

A wide range of operating systems and browsers are supported. For a full list and more information visit

How does it protect me?

Rapport protects you in three ways:

  • It checks that the website you're visiting is real, not a fake one.
  • It locks down your browser to create a safe tunnel for communication with our website.
  • It blocks known viruses that target online banking to acquire your login and other personal details.

What about my existing security software?

Rapport complements the existing protection you should already have such as anti-virus software and firewalls. Remember that it's important to keep your software up-to-date to combat the ongoing attempts by fraudsters to gain access to your online account.

Along with our recently introduced transaction confirmation service, Rapport makes you even more secure when you are managing your accounts online.

How can I download it?

To download Rapport, login as normal. A new 'splash' page will be presented above our login page - simply click to download and follow the instructions.

NB. If the 'splash' page does not appear, you can download the same software via the Trusteer Rapport download page.

It's really easy to install and you don't need to restart your computer to start benefitting from the protection Rapport provides. You can also find out more about Trusteer and view a demo about Rapport using the links on the page before downloading.

What if I already have it installed?

If you already have it installed, you don't need to install it again. You will already be protected when using our website.

How can I tell it is protecting me?

Once you've installed Rapport it runs in the background but you will see a green Rapport icon in or near your browser address bar whenever you're visiting a website protected by Rapport.

What if I need technical support?

Trusteer provides 24 hour support through live chat, telephone and email. Further information is available at

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